Vancamper Help Desk

Answers to our FAQ - and support if you need it.


Do you verify the identity of sellers?

At Vancamper, we take several measures to ensure that buyers and sellers using on our platform are who they say they are, as well as enforcing strict quality standards for listings too...

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How do I report a listing?

To report a listing (e.g. if you suspect it is a scam, spam or something else inappropriate), click the ‘flag’ in the top right corner of the listing page. We will investigate the matter further...

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How do I report someone who is messaging me?

In the chat page, click the ‘flag’ in the top right-hand corner. We will investigate the matter further...

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Safety Guide

Your security and safety are important to us at Vancamper. We'll preface this article by saying the vast majority of people who use Vancamper are good-natured, honest and trust-worthy...

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